Nín hǎo!

Step into a realm where the whispers of history mingle with the boundless possibilities of the virtual world. Welcome to an ancient dynasty, where legendary warriors stand as silent sentinels, guarding secrets untold.

Amidst the grandeur of imperial courts and sprawling landscapes, a quest awaits. One fueled by the allure of a jade seal of the Realm, a symbol of power that's waiting to be unearthed.

But beware, for you are not alone in this journey.

In your discovery quest, an army awaits. There are thousands of warriors like you, joining you to discover every corner of the realm and interact. Amidst the trials and tribulations, lies an opportunity like no other: to shape and construct this VR world, brick by brick, as it burgeons into a mighty empire of virtual spaces. What lies beyond is a mere glimpse, for what this land is destined to become: a sprawling expanse of endless adventure and discovery.

Here, the past beckons and the future unfolds before your eyes

Are you ready for the challenge?

If so, grab your VR Googles and prepare for the journey!
Obviously, you need a PC to play. Let's spy the beta chat of our testers:
What do I need to explore and play in ANCIENTVERSE?
For the preview/early release, a good PC with an NVIDIA RTX video card and a pair of VR googles. You can use any compatible Meta VR Googles. RIFT, Quest(1,2,3) or Quest PRO
What do you recommend?
Please check minimal and high-end recommendations hardware in the table below.
It works with VIVE too?
Yes! We are actively working on compatibility with Apple's new Vision Pro
Will it work with VR suits?
We are actively testing Sony's MOCOPI and 3 other major motion capture tools. Actively working on some other hardware devices and capture solutions to give you an immersive experience.
Will you support other hardware (like other sensors and cameras)??
We are a small team but we're listening and implementing as fast as possible with all the tools that are already mainstream and prototypes we have available.


Windows 10/11
32 GB
video card
VR Googles
Meta Quest 2


Windows 10/11
64 GB
video card
VR Googles
Meta Quest 3
VR Suit
HTC Base (helps with drift)
Face scanner
iPhone or Android compat.
Coming soon on Steam
As you traverse through this digital landscape, you'll encounter a myriad of exciting challenges:
  • Discover Hidden Viewing Platforms Your first task is to seek out and uncover all the elusive viewing platforms scattered throughout this virtual world. With each platform you find, you'll unlock the ability to teleport swiftly from one breathtaking location to another, granting you unparalleled freedom to explore every corner of this expansive realm.
  • Unveil Warrior Statues of the Founding Members Delve deeper into the heart of this virtual universe as you embark on a quest to observe and admire the majestic warrior statues erected by the esteemed founding members. These monuments stand as testaments to their legacy, each embodying unique tales and rich histories waiting to be uncovered.
  • Score Viewing Points and Plan Your Next Adventure Take a moment to pause and absorb the awe-inspiring vistas that surround you. Score viewing points as you marvel at the beauty of your surroundings and use this time to plan your next thrilling journey into the depths of this enchanting realm. Let your imagination run wild as you prepare for the adventures that lie ahead.
  • Roam Freely and Uncover Hidden Wonders Embrace the freedom to roam at your leisure, allowing your curiosity to guide you as you uncover hidden treasures and remarkable sights lurking just beyond the beaten path. From lush forests to towering peaks, there's no shortage of wonders waiting to be discovered in this mesmerizing virtual world.
  • Discover hidden gems and treasures Embark on a captivating quest to uncover hidden treasures that lie scattered throughout this enchanting realm. From precious jade stones to shimmering veins of gold, every discovery brings you one step closer to unlocking the power of CHI, the life force that fuels the very essence of this virtual world. With CHI at your disposal, you possess the ability to shape and build upon the realm itself, crafting magnificent landscapes and awe-inspiring structures limited only by your imagination. But the journey doesn't end there; immerse yourself in the intrigue of a centuries-old mystery as you set out to locate the elusive Seal of the Realm, a fabled artifact lost to the annals of time. Its value remains immeasurable, beckoning daring adventurers like yourself to embark on a perilous quest that promises not only riches but also the chance to unravel the secrets of the past generations.
  • Embrace the dragons... at a distance Yes, there are dragons! But you need to find them.